Strip Plush Velvet Bed

 The Strip Plush Velvet Bed is a new addition of platform bed to Woodlers’s immersive collection. Woodlers LTD redefines by captivating the design elements by bringing a hint of modern styles that customers love. These beds are the new normal. The divan bed has always been the go-to bed, but the strip plush velvet bed is a true mascot. Platform beds or high-beds that customers prefer come with a slew of bonuses that also include the ability to store items underneath the bed. With that ease in mind, the strip plush velvet beds are easy to clean.

Velvet Bed Frame

The frame of the strip plush velvet bed is of solid wood. Woodlers take great pride in utilizing hardwood to fully resurrect this bed to life. To make matters simpler, the frame uses sprung slats. These slats help keep the bed frame in a top-notch position and at the same time help keep the room fresh. Stainless-steel components are key as they make sure the frame of the plush velvet bed remains intact. The steel divider that graces the pictures helps keep the slats from breaking in half. The whole idea of this contraption is to give you a bed frame that uses subtlety to overall improve the strength of the whole bed frame.

Read more on Velvet Bed
